Let’s plan our community cookbook together!
Each community cookbook is bound to be different. However, they all have a structural process in creation. In this module, you will be met with questions regarding your audience, learning objectives, and resources to ensure that your community cookbooks are accessible to all.
Opening submissions — Who would you like to invite? Is your audience a community of artists, students, staff, etc? Is there a particular diaspora you would like to focus on? Is there a particular region of people you’d like to reach out to (specific city, province, state or country)?
Setting a deadline — Where are you collecting the recipes? Is it online, in person or hybrid? When do you need all of the recipes by?
Designing your book — Would you want to add photographs or personal illustrations to this community cookbook? Will you be creating them or will you request people to submit them? If you are developing an online collection, do you want to include other forms of storytelling modes such as audio or video?
Story telling — Will you be focusing on one particular medium such as a book or will you expand on this through a workshop or exhibition?
Publishing — What is your budget for publishing your community cookbook collection? How many recipes and stories are there going to be per page? Will you be seeking opportunities or potential collaborative partner(s) to fund this initiative?
Exhibiting, workshopping, or developing a repository — Please see our planning template to write out your thoughts and ideas on developing your cookbook initiative: